I am working on a commercial site for a client at present. Ideally, he wants a multi-language site, but is prepared to do things 'properly' as a Phase 2 devt. Hence, English first.

However, he's keen to offer "Google Translate" (GT) as an interim solution. I don't particularly like it as it destroys the text positioning and makes the site look a bit of a mess but he is the client and thus...

Anyway, I have noticed an odd effect. I position my page on the background at particular pixel settings but once GT is displayed the whole page 'shifts' down and to the right.

I've proved this by taking GT out and republishing. No problem. It also doesn't seem to matter where the GT placeholder is placed on the page...

Example is available here

I wonder has anybody else had this issue and found a way round it?

Here's hoping!
