Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
That's very condescending Xhris. I'm sure the majority of members are quite capable of grasping any new additions.
Stop causing trouble Egg. That wasn't what I meant and you just read it that way. I think the lack of buzz about this version (compared to what I was expecting--although admittedly it's early days yet) is showing what I said is true. There are some amazing workflow improvements in this version, and a lot of things people have been asking for are addressed. But because there's not an "obvious" tool on the toolbar, then it can appear to most (including myself initially) that there isn't much new. The changes are quite subtle, but very powerful. Anyway, I'm spending quite a bit of time demonstrating the power of this version and it's changes for people, in a bunch of handy videos (hardly what you'd call condescending). Going to run out of time today tho to finish it...