I love this software. I had no idea how to do a website or email campaign before using Web Designer - now I create and update a campaign and matching web pages every week. Please - I have just posted my most recent pages
i hope you can see the same problem i am having - i have check and redon the entire thing 4 times -- this is the 6th week i have done this - and the first time thi problem has shown up
on the Web site - the pages show up originally - mixed with content from last weeks posting -
All of the files from last week are deleted each week - before the new files are uploaded - how can this be happeniong????
how on earth can i tell people "please hit your refrresh button about 12 times on each page if it looks a little (or a lot) odd???

Desperately need help with this -- i cannot discover how to "see" hidden things that might be causing this problemm on the pages before they are posted -- EVERYTING IN PREVIEW -- ETC looks fine and checks out.