Xara Xtreme Pro CD
WinXP 32bit

1) Get 2 small images (.jpgs) into Xara.
2) Select both images and select 'create brush'.
3) Draw a line with that brush.
4) In the Brush Settings > Fill Properties > Tick off Tile fills.
5) In the Brush Settings > Spacing > Sequence progress: Random.
6) Click several times on "Random" and see how the line changes the picture.
7) Apply a drop shadow on the line.
8) In the Brush Settings > Spacing > Sequence progress: Random.
BUG1: Click several times on "Random" and since the drop shadow has been applied it doesn't change the pictures anymore.

Bug2: After step 7, any entered value on the keyboard (and pressing return after) in the Brush Settings are ignored while the shadow is on.
E.g.: Edit Brush > Spacing > Spacing), type in 50, press return, nothing happens.
Move with the mouse the spacing value slider, the Xara window flickers and changes the spacing value only by 0.4% at a time. Weird behaviour.