Dightal Watercolor paint resides on the invisible Wet Layer which won't allow blending with non-Digital Watercolor variants. That is, until the Digital Watercolor paint is dried.

However, there are some Digital Watercolor variants that can be used to paint color and to blend while the Digital Watercolor paint is still wet.

Adjust the Resat and Bleed sliders on the Property Bar or in the Brush Controls' Well palette to determine how much color is painted in the brush stroke (Resat/Resaturation slider) and how much existing color is picked up and painted along with the current color (Bleed slider). You'll need to experiment to decide on the best settings for your desired look.

You may also want to lower Opacity down pretty far to have more control over your blending. Again, experiment.

If you prefer to blend with one of the Blenders' variants, use the Layer's palette menu command Dry Digital Watercolor first. Remember, though, once the Digital Watercolor paint is dried, it can't be made wet again and if you paint on the dried Digital Watercolor paint using Digital Watercolor variants, it will darken the underlying dried paint.

