If you want to bring Xara to its knees, use the panorama feature.

I have use a program like this for several years in my real estate work and never had a problem - I do assume, however, that the program was on their server and not on my computer.

I used the panorama in Xara for several days last month and if I did so about 5 times, Xara came to a complete stop and the error message was something about lack of memory - don't remember exactly. The only way was to close Xara from the task menu and start again.

Found that I could do maybe 4 panoramas at a time and them shut Xara down and start on the next group. Just closing each page as I finished did not solve the problem - guessing that Xara is not dumping the buffer when a page is closed or something along those lines.

I am on a Acer 2.2 machine with 4mb of memory. - jb