OK Here's the poop.

No more than 3 logos per person.

Please keep width around 650 pixels or less.

Keep file size as small as possible without compromising the quality of your image.

Include in your e-mail message a brief description of the logo, the client, and the nature of the business, product, or service for which the logo was created.

If the logo is a design and was created solely as a design project, let me know that as well.


I will select from the best of the logos submitted and will try to include as many as I can.

I reserve the right not to include your designs in which case you have the right to tell me I have no taste and am a philistine jerk.

In the Subject line of your e-mail submission, please include Xara Logo Gallery .

Do not post your designs here!

Send them to gary@gwpriester.com


Gary Priester

Moderator Person

<A HREF="http://www.gwpriester.com" TARGET=_blank>
www.gwpriester.com </a>


[This message was edited by Gary W. Priester on July 15, 2002 at 13:45.]

[This message was edited by Gary W. Priester on July 15, 2002 at 13:47.]