Hi everyone

I hope you don't mind but I'm about to ask for opinions on a web site I am looking after but with which I am not particularly happy. I feel it could be better.

Because of this, I asked an aquaintance of mine, who is a graphic designer, to have a look at it and today he told me its fine, no problem and that I should be happy with what I have done. To me though it looks plain and ordinary and perhaps not particularly appealing. I have never called myself a graphic designer but I do my limited best with what limited ability I've got so any advice would be appreciated.

The web address is: www.cdac.org.uk

Please, if you can help with advice it would be very much appreciated. I'm not asking anyone to do anything other than offer advice - I want to do any necessary work otherwise I shall not learn about graphic design, web design or about using XaraX. I should add that almost all graphics on the site have been created or handled in XaraX at some point in their development.

I look forward to your comments.

Many thanks