I was just popping around some of the other boards here at Talkgraphics and came across this...

On the WebDesign page there is a contest running for $1,500 worth of graphics software (mostly 3D) for the winner that designs a new website banner or CD cover. The website does not say what software must be used. Might be a great opportunity to show what Xara can do!!!

Here's the link...


Subject: Contest worth $1500 of software
Author: ComplxMind
Date Posted: December 06, 2001
I'm hosting a contest on my site for artists. Requesting a new banner/logo, etc.. The winner will get $1500 worth of software. This is in conjunction with Right Hemisphere (Deep Paint 3d, etc) and DAZ (Victoria and Michael 2.0). I would like to invite everyone to join in. If you win, it could be a great opportunity for you. If you own a website, I would really appreciate any additional links you can add for the contest as well.
