Here's a thing. I have been using Xara for a couple of years now and have always found it to be brilliant and accurate. Today I was designing a logo for our yellow pages ad that had to be exactly 6.00 x 6.40 cm. So I made a box that size, put all my stuff inside it. I then printed it off and it was actually 5.8 x 6.0.
Bizarre..exported as a TIF and opened and printed in Photoshop...and it's 6.00 x 6.40 as it should be. Its not the printer because I have outputted to an HP inkjet and a Samsung Laser and both do the same thing.
Any ideas? Here is my abreviated kit list:
Athlon 1300
512 ram
Matrox G550 DH
Windows XP Pro

Any thought gratefully received. Thanks.
James Loudon