I haven't posted for a quite a while, probably because, I'm doing mostly everything that I need to get done in Xara.

But I am wondering what the new features are going to be and when the next version will be available. I guess you could call this a "wish list" for new features.

1. I would like to be able to export PDF's from Xara. Right now, I have to do this using Freehand in conjunction with exported files from Xara.

2. I would like to export animations from Xara, as both Flash and AVI. Gif animations are great, but I'm using them less and less.

I don't know if those first two suggestions merit separating the Xara into 2 programs, but I certainly don't want Xara to get too "bloated."

3. I would like to be able to use Xara 3d to export Flash SWF files. I would also like it to import 3d models from other programs and manipulate them for Flash or AVI export.

So, I guess this question is directed to Kate Moir. What can we expect to see from Xara in the future? What is coming soon from Xara as far as new features is concerned? Also to all the other members of this forum, what would you like to see?
