Hi everyone! I'm new to X1, and have been playing with the Button and NavBar tool. Everything was going well in my experiments, and rather than restricting my project to just a nav bar with buttons, I added some other graphics to my canvas to make an entire web page. This, to my pleasure, exported perfectly a few times.

However, after a bit more work, I noticed that the exported HTML suddenly had lots (and lots) of white space to the left and bottom (i.e. my nav bar, along with the rest of my web page, were only occupying a small upper-right portion of the exported page). I don't know how this happened, as there's absolutely nothing in the outer margin of my project, and the page had previously been exporting perfectly.

If anyone can shed any light on this, I'd be very grateful as it's really beginning to annoy me. I had considered reducing the outer margin of my project, but that slightly defeats the point as it's a useful working area and the export was working fine and ignoring the outer margin fine before...

