Hello All,

XWD look pretty good so far...very easy to use and if I have read some of the posts correctly, you can copy and past from Xara Extreme? Very nice... Am using the Serif Web Plus X2 product and it is pretty good actually, it doesn't do text repel and the templates are horrible --- it is an easy to use web builder with some decent features --- looks like XWD has most of the same features --- with XWD being based on Xara Extreme and SWPX2 being based upon Page Plus X3... ALL of these programs are excellent values for the dollar, especially if you pay attention to the promotions and sales when you buy them.

Would anyone else like to join me in comparing the 2 products? Also, if Coffee Cup ever gets to the point where you could utilize ALL of their software with VSD (Visual Site Designer) they would have a winner there, it's also easy to use...and then there is a new version of Wysiwyg Webbuilder coming out. The Net Objects Fusion product looks like junk to me, at least the older demo was.

Very excited about the new Xara Web Designer!

I say buy all the programs you like and there will always be a case where one might be a bit better --- certainly with XWD and a site with lot's of on page text.