I agree, the brushes in Photoshop are quite good for inking, and by using layers and opacity, you can do sketches first, then ink over the top.

I still find accuracy a problem. Normally I just do a pencil sketch, and the inking with a light box, brushes and pens, and it’s pretty fast. If I were to use my tablet and Photoshop I’m pretty sure it would take me much longer, and I would not have the same control and accuracy.

If you look closely at this example of someone inking in Photoshop, you’ll notice the line endings, where a wedge is made, say on hair, are round and blobby instead of sharp. You can avoid that a little by careful selection of brushes, and by using pressure to vary the width of the line, but it still remains a problem. They haven’t got it down to a perfect art yet.
