On all the top technology web sites they do extensive reviews on 3D Video Cards. Their reviews are very in depth and cover every detail about 3D cards. But on none of the sites I have seen do they go into the 2D aspects of these cards or which ones are best for 2D.

So my question remains what is the best video card for 2D (Photoshop, Illustrator etc.) out of the following:
- ATI Radeon Pro
- GeForce FX 5800 Ultra
- Nvidia Quadro

You may have noticed my strange omission of the latest Matrox card, the Parahelia huh? If I put it as an option, everyone would have picked it as the clear winner. But out of the big 3 above which will win? Plus are they all "that" far off in quality when compared to the Parahelia?

Please let me know what card you feel is the best out of the 3 above and how it compares against the Matrox card...