Karim (programmer extraordinaire) emailed me a month or so ago to point out a minor bug in my thumbnail viewing program. Basically it was not giving some resources back to Windows when it had finished with them. For a range or reasons (that are too dull to list here) I don't think it should cause any problems but just to keep things nice and tidy I have put together this update (now version 1.2). The new installer is here and the source is here. If you decide to update your copy, the installer may ask you to reboot if you have viewed any Xara thumbnails since you last rebooted.

Unfortunately I don't think the program will work on Windows 9x/Me and I have no 9x/Me machines to debug it on (if you are feeling lucky you could always give it a go and see if it does any better than the last version). Volunteers to help me get it working on Windows 9x welcome (if anyone is interested I can put together a test version to find out what is going wrong).

As before, don't blame me or anyone else it the program goes wrong or causes any problems.