This forum is by far the most pleasant and helpful on the entire web! I have been hanging around here for several years, and you can see by the number of my posts, that I rarely speak.

The post in the Gallery about the recycled tutorial is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. If that post was on any other forum or newsgroup it would have escalated into a war, and would have probably been yanked by now. The maturity and keen friendships this group has displayed has truly impressed me. I commend each and everyone of you. You are all intelligent and a pleasure to be around. I normally don't hand out praise, and have always been a "you do your thing, I'll do mine" kind of person, but I had to make an exception here.

Another example is the cd's that are being put together. A splendid idea, but even more impressive is the fact that it was put into action immediately.

Again, my deepest appreciation to you all.
