The bitmap gallery. Is it just mine, it won't show bmp's. The gallerys are much improved though. Nice work Xara Ltd, they work better now. WYSIWYG with the gallerys now, unlike with Xara 2.
Warning, don't use a comma when naming a bitmap in the bitmap gallery. It won't show the image.

Is it me or have the "move to top" icon functions been changed with the "move up one layer" or "down a layer"? Something is different now than before. I think the icon functions were switched

The blend tool. I wish it had a lock on it so that you could lock in a number instead of the default 5. Same with some of the other tools. A lock to lock in settings.

How come the Xara3d cd doesn't have a font gallery built into the font folder so Xara can view them? Coudn't ya'll do that next version of Xara3d?

All the new features really save time. Overall XaraX is very nice. A big improvement over the last version. Nice to see Corel out of the picture now.

That's it for now. I really like the new version!
