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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    United kingdom

    Default screen layouts in cs3 help please

    create a new document chose file>new on the top menue,give it dimesions of 640 by 480 or 600 by 800. resolution of 72 dpi.

    to set the units lets go to Edit>preferances>units on the top menu. Ensure that it is set to pixels. (couldnt find this anywhere)

    Activate rulers from the top menu go to view>rulers to activate them.

    Activate the guidesthese are constriction lines that you place on the canvas to help you line up your images. turn on view>show> guides

    Add snapping from the view menu turn snap on with the toggle menu. ok snap is ticked.


    says photoshop has a grid that is useful to give diminesions on-screen and allow you to snap items to it. in this case the gird isnt centralised. to set the grid up go t top menu Edit>prefrances>grid using the dialogue box chose 20 pixels and subdivison of 1. then use view>show>grid.

    i have a batonman.icon pic saved and it says here that he is 113 pixels and therefore a row of 3 is 339px,ad we decide to start the images 60px down the page. the rest is a simple calculation.

    we set horizontal guide at 60px

    choose view>new guide from the top menu and select the horizontal radio button and write 60px in the box.

    setting the lower horizontal rules

    now we need to set a lower horizontal rule.
    chose view>new guide from top menu select the horizontal radio button. the measurement down from the top of the page needs to be 60 pixels plus 339 pixels so enter 399 in the box.

    Setting the vertical guides

    for the vertical guides we choose a similar option for the surrounding icons.
    set them again to 60 pixels and 399 pixels. you should now have an outline box.

    I do but it isnt lineing up at all!

    now add 2 more horizontal and vertical guides. at 113 pixel intervals. This is for creating the placeholders for the icons.

    i am given an image in my tutorial it should look like and thereis no way I can get the image icons to snap to the grid and be at 113 pixels by 113 pixels.

    open up each icon in turn and press ctrl a to copy them drag with the mouse and move till they snap to grid. how do they snap to grid.

    change sizes if necessary with the ctrl +T button.

    after finishing this i have to make a background colour and title. also a fill layer.

    can anyone help me please?

    the final image the tutor has given me is 6 icons in a very neat grid. i cant get it to do that at all any advice welcome thanks!
    Last edited by pixel_uk; 05 September 2008 at 07:05 PM.




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