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    Default Anybody remember the thread or technique

    Just monkey doodling around trying to remember something. I remember something about grouping but not all of it so let me explain.
    Start with a square or whatever and give it a liniear transparency. Then you can group it and give it a second liniear transparancy in a different direction. I can only do this two times but it seems to me there was a method of regrouping and giving more transparancies so you can fade all four sides. Or maybe I'm just dreaming, that does seem to happen more and more lately.

    Also, while I'm logged on, I would like to thank Bill Taylor "the man" with his help getting the space bar back to the way it was and the way it should be, allowing me to switch between the select tool and others instead of the silly and useless push tool. Too bad the icons are limited to silly faces and do not include a trophy or bottle of beer, now there would be an icon.............frank
    Last edited by Seagull; 07 August 2008 at 03:57 PM. Reason: As always, idiotic spelling




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