Hello to everyone here at the Xara X forum. I'm a former lurker who has come to join this truly wonderful group. I am not a visual arts professional in any sense of the term; but I greatly enjoy doing little graphics projects on my computer. I work as an addiction counsellor, and as a substitute school teacher. I am in the midst of a transition from the latter career to the former.

I have been using Xara X to produce little (8x10 inches and smaller) signs and greeting cards for personal use and for work. I have posted three of my creations in the Gallery under the same title as this topic. They are simple, but lots of fun to make. Some of the items I have made for personal use have involved the use of copyrighted photos, so I will not post them here.

I have to say, as many have said before me, that this forum is a unique and invaluble resource. It not only provides priceless, immediate one-on-one (and one-on-many!) tutoring in the use of Xara and in general design principles; it also provides a supportive community that clearly does a lot to help its members feel good about their artistic efforts. The importance of this last point cannot be overstressed, because it is this that I'm sure goes the farthest in inspiring people to continue their efforts, and to improve at remarkable rates of speed.

Thanks to Xara Ltd. and the moderators for keeping this forum going long enough for me to join it. I hope to be able to pull my weight with constructive contributions.
