It really is me. I have had to reregister until I can get my old password from Xara.

I visited F** and learned some very interesting things about Microsoft.

Microsoft does not delete files you delete. Nor does it delete your web surfing visits, searchs, e-mail, cookies, and just about everything else you thought was safely removed from your computer.

It keeps most of this in hidden files that do not show up even if you specify Show Hidden Files in Windows Explorer.

Coincidentally, I was wondering why my year old 80 GB hard drive was already half full. My largest folders were not more than a Gig or two.

I purchased a product called Window Washer that can delete these files. You can selectivly delete your old cookies as well. (Except I must have also deleted the cookie that tells the conferences it's me).

I ran Window Washer and my used disc space went from 39.2 GB all the way down to 18.2 GB!

Is that incredible or what?

Now here is a really scary scenario.

What if every time you connect to the Web with IE, Microsoft is sending bits and pieces of this cashed information to Microsoft?

I feel like I no longer own my computer and it literally makes me sick to my stomach.
