Hi Norman,

Some time ago, when we were kidding around, you made a fabulous caricature by pasting the head of my avatar onto a youngish body. It was absolutely hilarious. I don't have the link to it right now, but I have the picture on my hard drive. I shared it with my wife, who likewise thought it wonderfully funny.

She also is from the UK and was in London during the German bombing. I had shown her your bio when I showed her the picture. She had studied at the University of Glascow.

When I shared the sad news of your illness with her, she was quite sad to hear of it and wanted me to tell you that across the ocean, far away, there is yet another person who smiled and laughed because of you.

PS: I found the links to the picture, actually it was two pictures. They were in a thread called How do I swap heads on a picture. The joking around occurred in messages 16 through 20, and the pictures can be seen here and here.

I've chuckled every time I've thought of them, only now, I am chuckling through some tears.