There must be a shortcut, faster way....please help by telling me how.

I have drawn an object that has multiple nodes.
Cloned it a few times and moved the others to their proper places.
All pieces will have the same overall shape, but in different sizes.

The important thing is that the upper left corner remains identical on each.

- Can not remain identical if I just use the drag handles to make larger/smaller. It distorts the upper left corner to make it proportional with the size of the object. Great for some things, but not for this.
- Tried selecting some nodes and dragging but the line between nodes but that curves the line between nodes (as expected) instead of dragging the nodes where I need them.
- I have been selecting nodes and using the down arrow or right arrow to nudge the nodes a bit at a time as necessary. But sometimes I need this shape much longer and it takes forever to nudge the nodes. Is there a faster way to nudge/drag those nodes than using the arrow keys? Looked through my keyboard shortcuts and did not find it.

Also....Q and AltQ are clipview applied or removed.
Can this be made into a toggle type option so we can assign one keyboard assignment for on and off like some other options? Didn't see a way to create a toggle.