It's certainly the case that TG is often not a very good place to discuss feature wishlists, at least partly because there are some incredibly defensive people here. (Hugely more defensive than Charles is, for example, who's pretty honest about the limitations.)

I like lots about 4.0, but I'm disappointed by a lack of XAML export, which I had hoped was coming, and by a lack of improvement to snapping/guiding which seems very weak to me (no snap to intersections, for example). As ever, I share other people's concerns about the strategic direction - but then user-base seems so diverse it must be very hard to decide which audience to play to. If you've spent most of the last week using a solid-modelling app, then unfortunately 3d extrude is not going to feel very exciting.

On the + side, bitmap crop within the Xara is a fantastic improvement - if I never again have to see the execrable XPE with its horrible "under-managed programmer was wasting time one Friday afternoon" jumping icons that'll suit me just fine. And there's a heap of other 'serious' stuff too (font handling, rendering, booleans, etc)

This group is particularly funny in the way which people who quite clearly haven't the foggiest notion about software development expound with great confidence upon 'bloat', and 'cost' - there must be much chuckling at Xara Towers at some of the wisdom around here...