I found out something i didn't know yet:

When you second-click an object and move the center of rotation ("cor") rotate the object and second-click on the next object without deselecting the first one (no clicking on whitespace in between), the "cor" is still where it was on the previous object.

If you deselect the first object by clicking whitespace before clicking the next object, the "cor" will be the standard object centered one.

The problem is if i'm zoomed in and have a shape lying in the background i can't find a way to deselect the object to reset the "cor". Hitting escape doesn't do the trick though it deselects the object.

This is a small bug, no!?

Speaking of rotation...

Is there any way to make an exact rotation apart from entering rotation values?

Like i want to align a rectangle to a diagonal line.

I move the box to the line so one corner touches it. I move the "cor" to that same corner. Now i want to rotate the rectangle so that the desired other corner snaps to the line to have an exact rotation. Any way to make it actually snap and not just guess?

Sorry for the long text :/