Hi all,
I would have a question: "How can I create a picture with transparent background in easiest way"?

I know how can I do it but "why there are lots of ways to do it"?

So for example, I have read something about "clipping path" but before that I had been creating transparent images by selecting some area with for example "magic wand" or "magnetic lasso", then inverting the selection and after that I erased the background with for example "background eraser".

So now I don't understand, what is the difference in "clipping path" and "mask" (or selection) and which is better to use?

And my last question is about the type of file: "When I just create a transparent image, what possible "type of file" can I save it into (for example ".TIFF", ".TGA", ".EPS") or in other words, in "which" types of files there will be saved "also" a mask?"

Thank you.