Sorry gang but another f___khead has launched a virus that attaches itself to Acrobat PDF files.
Here's the word:
This worm replicates as an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file. It functions only in the full version of Adobe Acrobat, not in the Acrobat Reader. When the user views the file and clicks on the picture, the worm will send itself to people in the Outlook Address Books.

This mass-mailing worm is embedded inside a .PDF file. However, as it requires the full version of Adobe Acrobat in order to propagate, it is unlikely to become wide spread. Having just the Acrobat reader will not spread the worm. VBS/PeachyPDF@MM arrives in an email message containing random information. Below is a list of strings that are chosen at random to make up the various parts of the message

Opening the attached .PDF file will display a document which reads, "You have one minute to find the peach!". A collogue containing images of naked female buttocks is displayed, one of which is actually the image of a peach. An icon entitled, "Double click the icon to show the solution" is also present. If the user has only the Acrobat Reader, this icon is disabled. If the user has the full version of Acrobat, double-clicking it will result in the creation and execution of the VBScript worm file (Peach.vbs, Peach.vbe, or Peach.wsf [depending of the version of the worm]).

This VBScript file creates a GIF image named PEACH.JPG and attempts to open it. As this filename contains the wrong extension, a broken image may appear in your browser/image viewer. The image is supposed to display where the real peach is located, "LINE 1,picture 6". The worm checks for the presence of a registry key before proceeding. If this key is present the script quits, otherwise it creates it.

BTW, all the PDF files on my site are virus free.

Please send this message to the other groups and friends.

Regards and really sickened by the trolls who spread this stuff,

Gary David Bouton
Free education! The Writings Web site
and the updated GaryWorld Gallery is pretty okay, too.