Question about Webstyle offer today
I just received this offer from Xara at 8:30 PM PST Wed. Nov 28 2007:
Don't miss out on this week's Xara Webstyle offer: if you buy Xara Webstyle before 21st September 07 we'll include the extra optional template packs 2 - 4 completely free (worth $49.85!). Order Xara Graphic Studio (Webstyle + Xtreme + Xara3D) and get all 5 template packs free!

I may be interested in this, but I have a couple of questions .

First, it's dated September 21 07-is that just a mistake and is this a current offer?

Second, I already own Xara Xtreme Pro and Xara 3D. So if I buy Webstyle could I qualify for the five free template packs?

Thanks in advance
