TabletPC support:
Eraser, second button, pressure, etc.

Better alignment handling:
The ability to align text on its optical boundary instead of its actualy boundary (eg. align on BC or AB widths on the first and last character of a line, ABC widths for all other characters).

Better group alignment:
It'd be nice to be able to align on a group of objects, but not on the shadow. So, perhaps selecting the subgroup used for alignment would work?

Better shadow handling:

It'd be nice, again, to shadow the union of an entire group of shapes instead of individual shapes. That way you won't have to create a shape that is the union, which screws up the antialiasing around the shape edge (... you can't have a completely invisible shape and give that a shadow, which would also get around the problem).

Fixes on shadows for large numbers of shadows on a page. Sometimes the shadows just don't show up. Same applies to bevels - sometimes they just don't show up either, if you have a large number of them.

Better page layout support:
Eg. if you want to print business cards, the current page setup controls are a bit lacking.