Quote Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
Anyone outside the UK will likely not realise that our postal service is practically on its backside while some of its workers are on strike. We've had a couple of nationwide strikes and now they are part-way through a two-week strike where one division at a time closes for a day.

They are doing their best to turn the public against them and we're now eagerly waiting for either the Germans or the Dutch to move in and start a reliable service. Strike information is at http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/c...diaId=51600692 - if Xara are smart they'll hold off posting anything until the current strike is over. The funniest thing is that we usually get strikes from firemen, baggage handlers etc, during major sporting events and/or throughout the summer - but we've had two months of rain so far, so the postmen are not even able to enjoy their time off work.
What! You mean you are NOT Out Sourcing to India or China? (LOL)