Hey everone, dan here...

Can i ask anyone for banner or smaller ads' so i can have them on my site (that's soon to be published)

because i'm not going to make any profit with the ad's id rather them be graphic design ad's, and are relevant to my interests. ( i thought this was the best way to ask.)

Post them here or email them to me if their got terms and cond's. to them.

Smaller than banner is cool also.

My site is just on the line of Ross's Design Stop. Just a bunch of relevant design links and ways of making online presence. eg: site's in flash, etc...

Don't worry Ross, it' ain't a carbon copy of your site and ideas. Just a 15-year old boy gaining experience in graphic design and this is the way i feel is a top way to express it...

So if anyone's got any i'd love it!

hay! well done on "WHERE ARE YOU" i showed me my and she loved it, (Stunned)

Good Work! Dan!!!!