I'm playing, and learning, and hitting silly little mental blockages .....

My current fly-in-the-ointment is those 'All...' 'No...' 'Name brush colour' options in the Fill Properties tab under Edit brush, thats getting me.

Having read all I can I understand they provide controls on how the brush colour is permitted to change when in use. But things don't seem consistent.

Question: are they relevant at the brush creation stage or the brush application stage? By that I mean, would you set them at the time you create the brush, or at the time when you actaully apply the brush stroke to a path in your real drawing?

Or are they very dependant on what type of colurs you use in the creation of your brush, like local vs named colours?

I ask because they seem to change, and I can't get them to work the way I (misguidedly) think they ought to. EG I draw a line, set a certain brush onto it, nip into Edit, set No brush colours (believing that this will prevent the brush colour from being changed), Save the change, right click on colourbar, and lo the brush stroke changes colour.

When I set them at the creation stage they seem to change of their own free will, at the time of use.

I am sure this is a wonderful little feature that I may find a use for, but at the moment its a road block in my learning curve.

Anyway I think (hope) this may be quite simple, but at the moment its me that feels quite simple, but as someone said in a post I read the other day, you get a block on the most simple of things that seem so daft when explained.

Apologies to anyone who thinks they've seen this text before, I originally posted it on the end of an earlier thread, and everybody ignored it, so I thought it ought to get its own thread. So there!
