Thanks Richard!

Quote Originally Posted by RAMWolff44 View Post
Hi Jon,

If your at all wanting to see the open source continue (ie: Linux and Mac versions of Xara) then get over to the appropriate forums here at talk graphics and speak up. As it is there has been less than favorable support coming from the "community" the very one that was head over heals for this to happen. It would be a shame to see the open sourse version come to a halt with little or no further development!
That's sad :-( maybe not many Xara users are programmers... and switching / setting up a secondary _fully functional_ linux system is not exactly trivial.

PSD and PDF in the Pro version is substantially better than the regular version of Xara. I use it quite a bit and am quite happy. Layers are kept in tact in and in the PDF vector objects are still fully editable. So you could send a version of a Xara file you've created in a PDF to another user and they would be able to open it up in XPro and edit it further. It also comes in handy for print and other uses (I've found). I'm no print expert so I'm not sure what your meaning by "print ready" pdf!
Thanks, I did a stupid mistake and used up my evaluation period in a time I didn't have time to evaluate XXP thoroughly. I'm not an expert yet either... but will be some day. Print ready or ready for print is just a translation of a Finnish term, meaning that a document is 100% ready to be used for a print job. A term used as a pricing basis in commercial printing.

I guess I really can't see unless I buy it :-) even if Pro would not relieve from mandatory Adobing with pdfs, the usability improvements are worth the upgrade price.
