Hey, anyone here want to help write some tutorials?
If you know anything that you think someone else would want to learn, you can help.

I'm going to do some tutorials for C/C++/VC++/OpenGL/
I'll probably do some photoshop6 tutorials also.
Here are the ones I'm looking for help in:
-Photoshop(The more tutorials the better-You can do a simple scanline tutorial or something advanced...)
-Fireworks (I don't use, so I can't write tutorials for that)
-3D Studio Max/Maya/Any 3D program
-Visual Basic
-OpenGL (Maybe something simple like adding primitives to your app)
-I'm drawing a blank now, but if you can think of something else and want to do it, go right ahead.
If I use them on my site, you'll get credit and a link to your site.
Email me @ referalman7@yahoo.com if you're interested.

In return for this I can host you too! Here are the features:
-Cpanel (Domain only)
-Unlimited email accounts (Domain)
-Unlimited subdomains (Domain)
-As much space and BW you need.
Just Email me if you want to help, or if you want more details.