I've been using a copy of Xara Webstyle v1.2 that was given away free on a magazine CD for about, ooh, three years now. I recently formatted my HD, and now that I want to restore Webstyle to its rightful place, for the life of me I can't find the CD with Webstyle on.

This is a long shot, but I was wondering if anybody here still had a copy of the CD. I can't even remember which magazine it was, so I'm not giving you much to go on.

Alternatively, perhaps somebody has a copy of it tucked away on their HD somwhere? Obviously I'm not interested in the commercial version, just the freebie.

I know that there have been several versions of Webstyle since then, and in the past I've tried different demos, but I always end up back with v1.2. It does the job well enough for me, so I see no reason to change.

Apologies that my first post is basically a begging letter; any help would be greatly appreciated though. TIA.