I hope someone can help. I've upgraded from v3 to v4 and everything seems to be ok - no error messages etc. However shortly after I start to do any work (open old projects or start something new) the video corrupts and the machine crashes.

To replicate it I simply select and open somthing (eg buttons) and press any of the buttons on the left such as Font, Colour, Menus. The area which displays the results of these will, after about 5 buttons have been pressed, fail to display properly then fail to update and finally will show icons from other running programs "beneath" it on the screen. The system then freezes and I have to give the 3 fingered salute.

Has anyone any ideas?

Tech deatails: Win 98SE, resolution normally 800x600 but have also tried 1024x768, Dell Dimension 4400 with a 16mb ATI RAGE 128 Ultra. Webstyle is 4.0 (4.2156 Oct 22 2003). I run several othe graphics packages (incl WS3) without any problems.