Hey'a Guys,

Ok, I'm fairly new to Corel psp. For the most part, I find it very user friendly (for someone who doesn't specialize in graphics, and hates to read the manual!). However, this problem has been bugging me since I started with PSP.

I open an image. I add a border, and then I go to save it. So I click on save, and then click on the close window x at the right near the top of the window. I then get a dialog box that asks me if I want to save the changes made to the image (Whaaa??? Didn't I just like save the image??), and so I choose yes, and then attempt to close the image again, and then the same dialog box appears, and I go round in circles...grrrr. If I save it as a different file format, then it's fine. I know this is not a bug, and just a matter of me not knowing how to do it, but I can't find the answer in the manual anywhere. So, please.....save me, from ineffectual savings....lol.

