Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim View Post
Well, thanks for voicing your personal preference re: installing Vista RC1 on your PC.
It's my pleasure. I'm delighted you are delighted with your pre-release of the next Windows. But not everybody is blissfully unaware of the real and potential problems with Vista and it would be a shame not to use this opportunity to point out some of its fatal flaws which, being at RC1, it is almost too late to iron out now:


Here's where I am coming from: In January 2006, Microsoft shipped the first security patch for Vista and that's a year before its release!! "it is clear that the poorly designed 'SetAbortProc,' the function that allows printing jobs to be cancelled, was ported over to Vista". It is hinted that Microsoft Vista will come out in no less than eight (!) versions. Why??? Vista will nevertheless sell because most computer users use the OS bundled with their Dell - but that doesn't make it good, it just makes it popular. McDonalds is popular, but it's nothing more than cholesterol, sugar and salt fodder for the masses. Then there are headlines like "Eugene Kaspersky of Kaspersky Labs predicts a rootkit for Vista within a year of release", "AV firms rubbish MS Vista security claims" and more (AV firms, although they have a Vista axe to grind, have considerably more expertise in AV than Microsoft, whose record in PC security is lamentable). And even one of the world's greatest fans of Microsoft and Windows, Paul Thurrott, said this on his site winsupersite.com: "the vast majority of new end user features in Windows Vista are already available to you - most of them for free, no less - in Windows XP. And by skipping Windows Vista, at least for the time being, you'll be left with a PC that is faster, more compatible with the software and hardware you own, and just about as capable as an otherwise identical PC running Windows Vista".

And those are just some of the reasons I will not be installing X3D6 on Windows Vista (whatever release), because I won't be touching Windows Vista with a barge pole until I have a compelling reason to do so. "Because it's new" isn't one of them.