I picked up my new computer on Wednesday and have been wrestling with the setup. The worse is trying to get the old programs transferred or reinstalled.

The biggest problem is the Password Pal. It just doesn't transfer the old info to the new computer. So I have to re-enter about 75 descriptions, user name and passwords. yuck.

But I did get Xara X reinstall on the new 'puter. It turned out to be one of the easier programs to re-establish.

And, I've got DSL installed so I'm really cooking with gas now. I got the Pentium 4, with 2.4 GHz and 256 RAM, that along with the DSL and its zoom, zoom zoom.

Of course, the phone company screwed up switching my service to DSL and I didn't have a phone/computer for 2 days. http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/mad.gif You know any time they get involved something is going to get fouled up.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. I meet with a graphic designer/artist yesterday. It turns out the we attended the same ELEMENTARY school.

I asked at Kinko's when I was there getting something printed if they knew of any GD/GA and they gave me his name. (Hint, if you're looking for a referal source try Kinko's). We had a real good meeting and he is going to put together an estimate of different items then get back with me.

Blessings and Peace.