i've been offered a job overlaying proofreading corrections on typeset text for a proofreading guide book. i'll essentially be taking scans of corrected prints and making a tidy vector version. i'll have the text provided as a PDF (and could probably get the source document, which in most likely word in this case). i'll be using xara x1 (yet to uprgrade to xtreme) to make and edit all the proofreading symbols and would like to use it to arrange things since i find it so comfortable to use.

the thing is, i'm worried about how i'll get the text into xara to begin with (it obviously has to be laid out exactly as it's printed so that the corrections are in the right places) and then how i'll get everything back out. i was thinking that if i can get the text into xara somehow i could overlay the corrections, then delete the text again and export that page's corrections to be added to the existing PDF. i'm not sure if this is the best way to go about it but seems the most intuitive to me.

so how can i get a PDF into xara and what would be the best format to export to so that i could add it to a PDF? and what program would i use to do that?

thanks very much