Hello to all and hope you're doing well. I need to pick someone's brain about a situation I'm in and hope you can help me find an answer. I'm trying to create a background effect for mother's day cards and am having a heck of a time. I'm trying to create the look of victorian wall paper with alternating dark and light vertical stripes. What I did was to create a quarter inch wide by 8 and one half inches high stripe, one dark green and one light green. My plan was to marry those two stripes together and then repeat to make a "wall" 8 1/2" high by 5 1/2" wide upon which I will have a framed picture hanging. Problem is I can get all the elements lined up vertically with no sweat but when I try to abut each element horizontally so that I can get an exact flush bank of stripes no matter what setting I use on the snape radii function everytime I try to bring one set of vertical stripes near another set the snape together nicely but not at the edges. There is always some overlapping and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thalnks.
