I'm relatively new to Painter. I have a Mac G4, dual 1 gig processors, 1 GB RAM, running OS 10.4.3. I also have an Intuos3 tablet. When Ifirst installed Painter I seemed to recognize some slowdown in my system overall, but didn't think much aout it. I downloaded and installed the Painter 9.1 and Painter 9.5 updates and everything went to heck in a handbasket. The most consistent problem was when I made a stroke with the FX-Glow brush, the program quit "unexpectedly." At the same time, my scanner quit working, slowdowns became epidemic in all programs, not just Painter. I tried Corel's online support and they suggest I call in, but my computer is at home and I've been working most of the hours the Corel line is open. Today I trashed all the Corel files I could find (I only lost a couple of custom brushes, and they were just experiments anyway) and reinstalled the app from the CD. Haven't had time to check it out, but has anyone else had such general problems with 9.5? Do I really need the update? Could I just get by with 9.1?