Hi, all. I am a new Xara user. I am also relatively new to illustration programs in general; I have tended to use things like Adobe LiveMotion to create my web graphics (see http://www.desperationmorale.com for examples). As you can imagine, there is a lot for me to get used to (and, alas, the manual is not the best--there were a lot of basic things that I found only in the tutorials, such as how to slice part of a photograph out of it).

So, if you clikced on that URL above, you'll notice that I am an aficionado (and designer) of stuff related to a World War II board game called Advanced Squad Leader.

In fact, I will be designing a historical module for this game based on the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, when the Polish underground heroically (but tragically) rose up against the German Army in the summer of 1944.

I have completed all the research for the map; now I actually need to go about creating it--or at least a playtest version of it that I can use for now.

This is not something I have ever tried before. However, ASL maps are not incredibly complicated. I have provided some examples below.


So, what I need to do first is to be able to create a hexgrid for a 22" x 32" map. This means a hexagon pattern for the entire map, with a small round white dot in the middle of each hexagon (for line-of-sight tracing purposes). I presume it should be its own layer.

This is where I would like some advice. I had hoped that Xara would have some sort of pattern generating tool so that I could automatically create a hexagonal pattern, but it doesn't seem to have one.

What would be the easiest way to go about creating this hexgrid? I would sure appreciate your advice.

Also, a quick question: can Xara print out large graphics on multiple pages (such as printing out a 22" x 32" map on multiple 8.5" x 11" pages?

Thanks very much, guys. I really appreciate your help.

