I am a newbie at Xara X1 and mainly because I kept using only the basic functions.

Now, I would like to do flames as explained in Sue Lawrence tutorial, but I find it hard to follow right at the beginning with the fill and transparency functions. I just can't get it.

And I'm motivated more than ever because that's exactly the kind of fire that I want to reproduce.

Any tip that would help me with that tutorial? Please...

Right there at this paragraph:

"Give this rectangle a fractal plasma transparency. The values used were: mix, repeating tile, Start 0% - end 100%, 29 dpi, fractal scale 30%. Also adjust the transparency handles in the same way as the fill. I decided to give it a transparency profile of: -0.32 in the top box and -0.38 in the bottom box, to define it a bit more but this is not strictly necessary. (See Figure 3. From now on I will refer to 'top box' and 'bottom box' figures for profiles)."

I'm kind of lost.

