I can't reproduce this problem at present so can't discover what caused it. I drew a table-top and filled it with a fill from black to white. I pulled and pushed at its shape, added a bevel and generally got it to an appearance I was happy with. I drew a circle after that and it immediately took on the same fill as the table-top (as it should do I think?). I then tried to fill the circle with various solid colours but it only changed the graduated shade of grey in the fill. I tried all the options I could think of to change the fill but nothing made a difference. I must obviously have been missing something though. In the end, I opened up another page, drew a circle, filled it with a solid colour, then copied and pasted it into the page being worked on. That worked OK. I was able to fill it (and duplicates) any way that I wanted to. Was that a glitch with the particular page I was working on, or something I'd missed?

Thanks - Mart