I just watched the new movie on drop shadows and it reminded me of something that is kind of a nuisance.

You can select mulitple objects and change the shadow type, feathering, or opacity for all of the objects at once. However, you can not (at least I don't think you can) change the drop shadow COLOR for all at once.

If you want to change the drop shadow colors of several objects you have to Shift-Click on each DROP shadow, then click on a color swatch. If the shadows are positioned close to their parent objects or involve small parent objects, then selecting each drop shadow can be time consuming.

I'd like to see a color-icon in the Shadow Tool Infobar, that when enabled (a toggle mode), all drop shadows of a multiple selection could be changed at once; either by clicking on a color swatch or dragging a color from the swatch onto one of the drop shadows .