I did post an earlier topic about this. However I wish to extend the deadline, and also wanted to make a more prominent announcement about this in a neutral forum (because you don't have to be a Xara user to enter).

What it's about
TalkGraphics will be moved to a new system and server in the near future. To coincide with the move, we'd like to give TalkGraphics a fresh lick of paint. That's where you come in...

We'd like you to get your software of choice opened, get your creative juices flowing and redesign TalkGraphics how you want it to be.

What you need to do.
You can do either a logo or an entire page design with colors.

To give you an idea of what vBulletin looks like as standard (the sytstem we're moving to) this is their site's messageboard:

There are a few requirements about the design:

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>That it is something that isn't too large (in terms of download size, or 'real estate') and at the very least contains the word "TalkGraphics.com". You can change the page colors if you wish.
<LI>You don't mind giving us your original artwork files, and then using them to redecorate TalkGraphics, and that we may adapt them to fit the needs of the messageboard design.
<LI>That, if we choose your design, when we're customizing the rest of the messageboard you won't mind if we talk to you, get your opinions on colors etc.
<LI>It's a design that you, as a user of TalkGraphics, won't mind looking at each day![/list]
You don't have to design HTML or anything. If you're an artist concentrate on your art, and we'll do the techy work.

The winner
We will probably hold a poll to gauge people on what they like; after all, these are your forums. This is the main reason for this competition, so that you can design the place you frequent.

However, as an additional incentive the winner will receive the entire Xara product suite.

Closing date for this is now July 22.

Please post images on your own website and then link to them from this thread. Or email them to me at antonyf AT xara.com. I will then host them. I am away on holiday now until next week though. Those that have entered via the thread in the Xara X forum do not need to repost, they will be included.

Thank you!