I ran across this "game" in another forum aimed at web development. They call it Photoshop tennis, but I don't see why Xarans can't play their own version!

It goes something like this:
Users challenge each other to a match. A match begins with the challenger posting an .xar file with a single layer. The challenged (challengee?)
then takes it, adding another layer, but having to keep at least some recognizable portion of the first layer intact. The file is "volleyed" back and forth, until both sides have had a chance to contribute 5 layers each. Who wins? Everybody! Imagine the amazing artwork that could be produced with these match-ups:
Gary P. vs. Steve N.
Ivan vs. Risto

It might even be fun! Also, we could tell people we are playing tennis!

To see how it is being done in the other forum, go here:SitePoint Forum Photoshop Tennis
I'm sure we can do a much better brand of the game here, however!

<font size=3 color="#0055ff" face="Tahoma">Gary V.</font>

<font size="-2" face="Verdana" color="red">The more I learn, the more ignorant I feel.</font>