Dear Mr. Kim,

you are completely right with your observation!

The same is also true for Japanese (and maybe Chinese and other multibyte languages, I did not check this).

But for people like me who only have to use Japanese or Korean once or twice a week, this is a great work-around, much better than pasting Word-Art into Xara X.

Of course, it would be great, if Xara X offered "real" support for multibyte languages like Adobe or Corel who introduced asian support some time ago (as opposed to Macromedia).

Maybe, Xara could do the same?

I think, Xara could be very popular here with real CJK support, just like the Namo Web Editor is more popular here than Dreamweaver, Golive and Frontpage all together (also don't forget the Japanese and Chinese market). The only problem is, that, despite reports regarding a cracking down on software piracy, all Koreans I know are strongly conviced that I must be crazy, 'cause I buy the software I use.

Mr. Kim, I also found your homepage, great job! Do you know of any service bureaus in Korea (Daegu or Seoul) that accept native Xara X files or which file format do you use to submit your files?

It's a pleasure to meet you here on the Xara forum!!! Have a nice evening!
